Campaign Kit is ready to be localized; please feel free to contribute translations. Read an overview of Drupal localization at Translation Overview on Drupal.org.
Localized Components
Campaign Title
Campaign Images
Tab titles
Various text strings (“Organizer,” “Time left:” etc.)
To see all the text strings that are translatable, open the Spanish .po (es.po) file located in Campaign Kit/translations directory.
When making changes to the templates, use English for the original words and the following Twig construct to ensure the string can be substituted with entries in the .po file:
{{ 'Supporters'|trans }}
Campaign Currency
Set the campaign currency on the Campaign Kit configuration screen (``/admin/campaign_kit/configuration/edit``). The options are:
The currency symbol is displayed to the left or to the right of the amount on the campaign page, depending on the currency. The currency cannot be changed once the first donation is accepted; Campaign Kit will grey out the option. You must ensure that your payment processor can handle the currency you select.
Last updated