

A feature we'll have is that front-ends developers could override Campaign Kit templates.

All templates are located in campaign_kit/templates:

  • campaign-badge--campaign-badge.html.twig (template for Badge view)

  • /campaign/{campaignId}/badge (Not started)

  • campaign--child--add.html.twig /campaign/{parentId}/child/add

  • campaign--child--edit.html.twig (Not started) /campaign/{parentId}/child/{childId}/edit

  • campaign--child--display.html.twig /campaign/{parentId}/child/{childId} (Current) /campaign/{parentId}/child/{childId}/view (Not started)

  • campaign--parent--display.html.twig campaign--standalone--display.html.twig (standalone) (Duplicated from campaign--display--default.html.twig but needs to be added to the Controller) /campaign/{campaignId} (Current) /campaign/{campaignId}/view (Not started)

  • campaign--thank-you.html.twig (standalone) /campaign/{campaignId}/thank-you

  • campaign--parent--thank-you.html.twig (parent) (Added. Duplicated from campaign--thank-you.html.twig but needs to be added to the Controller) /campaign/{campaignId}/thank-you (Same route like standalone?)

  • campaign--child--thank-you.html.twig (child) /campaign/{parentId}/child/{childId}/thank-you

  • donate--thank-you.html.twig (Thank you template for single donation. Not started) /donate/thank-you

  • donate.html.twig (Template for single donation. Not started) /donate

  • parts/campaign--social--sharing.html.twig (Loading widget, sdk for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus)

The following templates can't be removed and you will not theme these:

  • campaign.html.twig

  • donate.html.twig

  • campaign_update.html.twig

  • donation-content-add-list.html.twig

  • campaign-content-add-list.html.twig

  • campaign-donation-content-add-list.html.twig

  • campaign-update-content-add-list.html.twig

  • campaign_donation.html.twig

  • donation.html.twig


  • campaign-badge.html.twig (temporary, will remove)

  • donation-service.html.twig (temporary)


The CSS files are located in:

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-basic.css

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-forms.css

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-global.css

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit.css


The javascript file and extra libraries are located in /js:

  • campaign_kit/js/custom.js

  • campaign_kit/js/sweetalert2


The font files are located in:

  • campaign_kit/fonts

Customizing Current Styles

Structure of Theming

All CSS files are located in: campaign_kit/css/

The CSS files contains as follow:

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-global.css -> This CSS file imports font family "Lato".

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-basic.css -> This CSS file contains all basic styles for general elements.

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-forms.css -> This file contains all styles for forms like "Donate", "Add Child" forms.

  • campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit.css -> This file contains custom styles for demo pages.

Items You May Wish to Theme

Main Elements

There are some variables that they will help you to customize some elements like:

  • Links

To change the default link color:

  1. Go to campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit.css.

  2. At the top you will see a variable with its value:

    --default-color-link: #99bf38;

  3. Modify the value of this variable.

Campaign Status Block

If you create a new Parent Campaign or Campaign Child you will see this block like this:

If you like to customize the theming of Campaign Status Block please follow the following steps:

  1. Go to campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-basic.css

  2. On the top, you will see some variables like progress bar color: --bg-progress-bar, --bg-percentage-goal, color icons, color buttons, and others.

  3. Please change the values that you need and also you can modify the appearance using theirs selectos.

  4. Save

Badge structure

Badges are output with combination of a Block view and a display form. To configure the "CK-Badge:"

  1. Make changes to the block view at admin/structure/views/view/ck-badge.

  2. Make changes to the Display Form to edit the fields that are output. The Campaign Badge display form for the child campaign is located at :


  3. Hide or alter the format of fields using the Campaign Badge Display Form, which exists for each type of campaign.

  4. Make changes that can't be accomplished in the Campaign Badge Display Form in the Campaign Badge Twig file and the CSS file campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-basic.css.


  1. Go and edit the CSS file campaign_kit/css/campaign-kit-basic.css

  2. On the top, there are variables like: --bg-main-tab: #292929; --main-tab-text: #fff;

  3. Edit the values as you need, also you can modify the appearance using theirs selectors.

  4. Save

Last updated